“Anselm Jemima,” a gripping short film directed by Debbie Nwuli

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“Anselm Jemima”, a gripping short film directed by Debbie Nwuli, is set to challenge societal norms and confront gender injustice head-on. The movie tells the compelling story of Anselm Jemima, a survivor of sexual violation, who defies the oppressive expectations placed upon her by society and fights for her rights.

Through its thought-provoking narrative, “Anselm Jemima” explores the enduring struggles faced by women in Africa and beyond. The film highlights the prevalence of gender inequality and the urgent need for change. It delves into the dark realities of rape culture and the psychological impact it has on victims and their families.

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Director Debbie Nwuli brings her unique perspective to the project, delivering a visually stunning and emotionally charged film. The talented cast delivers powerful performances, ensuring that the story resonates with audiences on a deep level.

“Anselm Jemima” is a must-see film that will leave audiences reflecting on the importance of equality and the strength of the human spirit. Stay tuned for release dates and screenings near you.

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For press inquiries, interviews, or additional information, please contact:

Deborah Nwuli

Producer and Director


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